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Brief introduction of soda ash Market in China (2023.07.31~2023.08.04)

      This week, soda ash manufacturers started 75.9% of the load, down 4.8 percentage points (an increase of 1), the inventory fell to 195,000 tons, the supply of goods is tight, and the price of light alkali rose 50-100. This week, the float glass market trading improved, with some of the implementation of the new national standard, many prices rose. As of this Thursday, a total of 311 float glass production lines in China, 250 in production, a total of 170,750 tons of melting, an increase of 1,200 tons last week, Bi Jie Mingjun Glass 600T/D Qinghai Yaohua 600T/D resumed production; As of August 3, the total inventory of production enterprises in key monitoring provinces was 44.22 million weight boxes, down 330,000 weight boxes from last Thursday, down 0.74%. This week, the domestic photovoltaic glass market as a whole trading situation is good, the local low-cost supply reduced, as of this Thursday, the national photovoltaic glass production line in a total of 453, a total of 90730 tons/day melting. Some chlor-alkali enterprises overhaul, this week 32% of the domestic market liquid alkali weekly average price rose or stable. This week, the domestic caustic soda market as a whole was steadily raised, and the market wait-and-see atmosphere was strong. This week, the domestic urea market rose first and then suppressed, and the new single atmosphere cooled down. This week, the liquid ammonia market in the main producing areas continued to shake up, near the end of the week, the market reached the peak signs are obvious. The quantity of ammonium chloride to be issued is mainly implemented, and it is still normal for supply enterprises to limit single sealing single.